allimac, y’all

Convoluted ramblings direct to you from Allison’s MacBook Pro!

Sorry doodz…it’s just a shadow. August 16, 2008

Filed under: random stuff — allison312 @ 10:23 pm
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I was checking my Yahoo mail this morning and, as a former journalism student, I always browse the headlines on the Yahoo home page. Just like a bad car accident, I couldn’t look away from a featured story called “Week of Monster Madness: Two mythical creatures light up the Web.” Now, I have to put in a small disclaimer here: I totally believe there are things on this earth that can not be explained. It’s a great, big, wonderful world out there and I think it’s arrogant and moronic to think that any of us know everything about it. And I certainly hope that even after being around for gadzillions of years, that the sphere we live on still has some mystery to it. I also have to admit something really geeky about me…I totally believe in ghosts. I say this because I’ve had my own personal paranormal experiences. I guess that’s fodder for a later post and I’m not ready to open that can of worms just yet. However, despite my belief in things that go bump in the night…there are some things that I just can’t accept. One of those is Bigfoot, Yeti, Saquatch, and all his aliases. I guess it’s not that I don’t believe there might be a big, old, hairy gorilla living in the great outdoors. It’s just that I don’t think the pictures people bring back from the woods are credible evidence that this guy exists. Since the 1600’s we’ve pretty much scavenged the Americas and if there was a Yeti out there somewhere, then I’m pretty sure I would’ve seen it at a Ripley’s Believe it or Not museum somewhere. I think if we can recover bodies of 40 foot long giant squid from the depths of the Atlantic Ocean, then some rogue camper would’ve at least stumbled upon Sasquatch bones by now. But the monster chasers just keep coming back with these doctored photos that I just can’t seem to reconcile. Here are the photos released this week by some doodz deep in the Georgia woods. I’m sorry peeps, but this just looks like another hoax to me. If I’m wrong I’ll eat my words, I promise. But I was more impressed by the gorilla suit my friend/co-worker wore for Halloween a few years ago, when he chased another co-worker around who dressed as a banana. Now that was entertaining. 😉

goriila suit?
big pile of sticks?